Love Yourself
Fruitful Journal Love Yourself Sitting in the cafe while writing this entry on loving yourself, I saw a woman sitting in front of me with a tattoo of a silhouette…
Trusting God and Myself
We often hear the saying “viewing life through rose colored glasses”. This saying has a connotation of naivety, unrealism, and only positivity. I want to turn this on its head…
What is Purpose and How to Connect to it
By: Jessica Reyes You give your life purpose and you create the life you want to live. You create yourself. What is Purpose? Purpose pur·pose /ˈpərpəs/ Noun: The reason for…
What is Baptism
I was baptized on Easter and it was glorious. I was shaking and my heart was beating quickly as I stood in line, because I knew how powerful this act…
The Tool of Decisiveness
This month I learned the tool of decisiveness. You and Your Boat Imagine you’re on a boat in the middle of the ocean. It is just you, your mind, your…