1. “Go as slow as you need to but don’t ever stop”
“Go as slow as you need to but don’t ever stop,” these were wise words from my friend Jaide as we climbed Koko Head. If you’ve been to Hawaii then you know how daunting Koko Head can seem. It is an unwinding staircase of 1,048 steps to the top.
Similarly, the journey of life sometimes feels like a long road ahead if we let our mind run away from the present moment, but every journey starts with the first step. In business and our personal life all tasks seem hard when we think of the long road ahead, but we truly only have this moment, this step to take. So just need to focus on that first step as you climb the mountain, and before you know it you will have gone so far.
Your mind and body are closely connected and the body won’t do anything the mind does not think is possible. This is why it is important to take your mind off the long road ahead and focus your attention on the present and whatever you do, do not stop. Building your dreams takes patience and being diligent. It takes being present with what is in front of you right here and now and nothing else. Your best self is too important to quit on yourself.
Be sure to start small. God rewards effort. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to try your best and somtimes you won’t know what the next step is because You have to create it. You must decide. That is the difference between the doers and the critics. The difference between the successful and the dreamers. For that reason, don’t get stuck only dreaming, you must act and believe you can achieve what you love. Finally this is why I stopped saying, “my dreams” and started saying “my passion and love” because “dreams” made what I love seem far away. In saying, “my passion and love” I connect to the knowing I cannot lose if I follow what I love.
2. Don’t let your emotions control you.
Don’t let your emotions control you. I came across a video of Pharrell giving Maurice Kamara advice. He said, “Don’t be emotional. When somebody dies that’s different. When a baby comes into the world that’s different, all it’s ever going to do is alter your decision-making. Slow you down. Eat up unnecessary bandwidth that could be contributing to your momentum. Don’t take it personally, take note, take it seriously, and take care of it. Don’t be emotional for what? Do you know how blessed you are?…”
Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8pnYIFRVfe/?hl=en
Pharrell is so wise. He is spot on. Getting past yourself to become your best self means not attaching to your emotions but letting them pass by as you observe. It is noticing them and acting according to your best self. This is how you connect to your prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is developed and not in fight or flight.
Discernment means you do not re-act. Reacting drains your energy and strengthens the emotional ties to the emotional loop of old patterns. Emotions are the lens through which you experience life. Do not let your emotions control you and drain you of your precious energy. When you let your emotions get the best of you, you give the problem so much power. When you reprogram yourself to see beyond your emotions you start to see solutions.
3. Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude
Gratitude. Gratitude. Gratitude. Is essential. It is the single most important thing you can do when you wake up to put you in vibrant energy. It puts you in receiving mode. Love is always coming to us but it is us who contract and close off to it. In this way, gratitude clears the dirt from your glasses so you can see life through love again. Every morning write down (on a piece of paper) 10 things you are grateful for and watch your whole day shift.