By: Jessica Reyes
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
Proverbs 29:18
You are what you see. Our life is what we choose to focus on; thus, where we focus our energy becomes our reality. This is why visualization is impactful and will transform your life if you do it consistently. Visualization leaves an imprint of your highest potential that guides you throughout your day because if we do not have a vision for our life we get lost. When we have a clear image of who we want to be, we have direction and with attention, we give that version of ourselves life.
What is visualization?
1. The formation of mental visual images.
We are creators, God gave us this gift. We are made in God’s image, which means He gave us the power to create like Him through imagination. Imagination and voice is what sets us apart from animals. In fact, nothing in this world was created if not first by thought. We see this powerful creation power all around us. Connect to Your Highest Potential with this 5-step visualization exercise:
5 Steps to Co-Create Your Highest Potential With Visualization
Every morning right after waking up:
- Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and connect to your breath.
- Begin to see the most joyful and peaceful version of yourself.
- Observe everything about them; how they walk, their actions, and what that version of you is thinking.
- Walk through an ideal day and feel what that life would be like. Envoke the emotions you will feel when you get there.
- Now imagine doing the things they are doing throughout Your day. See yourself taking action on the projects you wish to birth.
Your Imagination is Your Superpower
Your imagination is powerful, it creates your reality. Only you can God can see what is in your heart and in your mind. Your life is projected from your third eye, which comes from the thoughts your pineal gland interprets. This means your imagination is your currency. It is energy that you decide how to spend. You can spend it on creating the life of your dreams or a nightmare. You choose.
God thought us up and just like God we think our life into existence. Your thoughts become your vision, your vision becomes your focus, and that focus becomes your reality. (thought → vision → focus→ reality). This is why vision boards work.
God speaks to us through love that we translate to our unique visualization. This is how He pours His love into us and where we get our desires. He puts our desires in our hearts so we can realize them because He wants to show us we can. These desires that come from love are created through our imagination, it is up to us to birth the idea.
What does visualization do for us?
In closing, visualization is so powerful and has been proven to work. Visualization is a technique used by the greatest athletes and successful business leaders. This works because visualization prepares our nervous system to experience the reality we are afraid of and are not ready for. It allows us to get in receiving mode and feel the feeling in our body. Visualization allows us to feel worthy of the experience, and most importantly to take action. But on a smaller scale, visualization puts us in a state of being our highest self in the now. This gives us confidence and direction for our day. You are worthy of the life you’ve dreamt of.