These days…
- Responsibility rooted in Self-Trust
These days I have been learning the tool of responsibility. For a long time I did not take work seriously because I always found an escape in spirituality. I saw work as a thing I had to do and did not see its significance. I saw Spirituality as perfect; this meant being very much in my head and not wanting to be on earth. There was fear and lack of self-trust that did not allow me to ground my Spirit. I think it’s funny how life is and how things change. I am writing this from a health food grocery store called “Down to Earth”– fully encompassing what I have learned here in Hawaii; grounding my Spirit. Heaven on earth.
I always saw work and my Spirit as separate until recently, as life (who loves me and you) has been asking me to grow into the person I want to be. This is why “tough” lessons (at first) become the most beautiful. I see now that we are all part of this big family on earth. I see that what I give is what I receive, and this means an equal exchange. I came here to serve others in every place I find myself because it is a reflection of me and my heart. We are all one; one love.
My career became stagnant. I say all of this with no judgment towards myself, because I was acting (or lack thereof) from fear. It was my subconscious keeping me “safe”. It is what I came here to learn. I was afraid of making decisions for myself. My current role awoke self-trust after a tough lesson that became so beautiful and also gifted me with so much discernment and self-love.
Life is changing. I am picking up the tool of responsibility rooted in self-trust that is fueled by wanting to give myself the life I want to live. I see how what I give is a reflection of me and the world I want to live in. A world where I action from love and self-trust and those are the mirrors I want around me.
I see how doing what I love is the only thing I ever want to do and how and what I give is a reflection of me and I have the power to mold. As part of this big family I see how it is all connected. We are all connected. If you cannot trust yourself, who can you trust?
- First Women’s Circle for Faithful Walk Home
Which brings me to my second ripe strawberry. I hosted a Women’s Circle this Saturday and Sunday, and while no one came to Saturday’s circle, I still planned as if many were going to show up. Truly this did not hurt, on the contrary it brought me so much excitement and joy that I showed up for myself. I have so much self trust now things like this do not shake me. I now believe in myself and what I love so much, that I know this is just a stepping stone on my journey. It only means I am getting started and will not be discouraged if others do not know about what I have to give yet. They will.
This world was built from people just like me and you, who followed their heart and did not listen to self-doubt. They had an idea and wanted to bring it to life. They wanted to share it with the world. Just like them, I accept my truth now. I accept my purpose and my calling. It is what I came here on earth to do and I am so excited to fully be living in my truth. What do you want to contribute?
- Fully encompassing meaning of God
3rd ripe strawberry: I remember when I asked for the truth years ago. God took me on the most beautiful journey and since then, I have learned more and more about me and my fraction of light. This fraction of light is growing and God is showing me how He is everywhere, but most important how He is in me.
All over the world we have different names for God. Some people call him God, Source, Spirit, Father/Abba, Mother + Father, LORD, etc. He has revealed so much wisdom to me and I see my truth. I accept and love my truth. I am deeply rooted in my truth. Our truth is our connection to God. It is you validating yourself. It is claiming your worthiness. Remember truth is loving and it sets you free. It is part of our imagination and what we see for ourselves when we think about love. God is love, truly. I want you to know your truth and fraction of light too.
I am learning to love life because it teaches me exactly what I need to learn to connect to my highest potential of love. Work was showing me skills I needed to pick up to build my business. Every day is an opportunity to grow and pick up new tools. To co-create the life you want because you understand your today creates your tomorrow. Life really does love you.
I have grown so much and I see how I give this beautiful life meaning. I see how it comes from me because I am a child of God. This means you are your own inner family. Your truth is what matters. Your love towards yourself is what matters. Your perspective is solely yours and you are the only person you will always be with for the rest of your life. This is how important your relationship with yourself is. You are your mother, you are your father and you are the child. How are you parenting yourself?
Music I’ve been enjoying:
Madison Ryann Ward – Mirror
Madison has been on repeat as I am leaving behind the part of me that no longer serve me. I will keep her in my mirror but I won’t take my eyes off the road.