By: Jessica Reyes
The Holy Trinity – MIND (1 of 3)
In this life we will have our ups and downs, it is part of living and feeling. Things will happen in our experience that give us the opportunity to discover more of ourselves. When we uncover more of ourselves in a non-judgemental way with love and care, life begins to flow. It is important to like ourselves because there is only one person who will be with you through it all: yourself. You will only view this life through your eyes, thoughts, and body. No one will have the same experience as you. You only have this perspective. So how can we make it the best and connect to your higher self?
First, let’s talk about the mind. The mind is a powerful tool. It is where our creativity stems from and where we project our life from. Our life is the projects of our thoughts. Our mind via thoughts and imagination can be used to create heaven on earth or think of the worst case scenario. Therefore use your imagination wisely because it is so powerful. It is our currency (energy). What you think about is your God. As we read in Philippians, when we think loving thought it shows on our face and in our life:
“Christian brothers, keep your minds thinking about whatever is true, whatever is respected, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever can be loved, and whatever is well thought of. If there is anything good and worth giving thanks for, think about these things. Keep on doing all the things you learned and received and heard from me. Do the things you saw me do. Then the God Who gives peace will be with you.”
Philippians 4:8-9
Use your imagination to create heaven
Your mind is a big part of the self-love you have for yourself or lack. The key is to use it for your benefit, your good. This is where the creative juices flow from. Choose to create heaven in your mind. Be unwavering about thinking only the best case scenario and what it is that you want your life to look like, because you are the one creating it with every thought.
Your mind by its thoughts triggers emotions from the body. Our minds are supercomputers collecting all of the data from our lived experience. They focus on and search for what you tell them. This is why INTENTION is so important. It gives your mind direction for the day with every movement. We must reboot them every day. This means asking God to help us renew them because there will be days that are harder to focus on the love. On these days it is especially important to replace the pattern with a stronger program rooted in light and love. How do we do this?
How to create heaven on earth
- Observe your thoughts (write them down, this is your subconscious). Cross the ones you do not want out.
- Rebuke and block the thoughts that are not true by saying, “that is not true and I am kinder to myself now.”
- Change it to a more loving true thought. Write the new thought you want to connect to.
- Repeat.
Commit to changing that old thought for a more loving one. Commit to a new you every day.