September 7th marked one year of being here on the sacred island of Hawaii. In honor the full circle I wanted to share some of the things I learned that helped make this a reality:
- Belief
What you believe about yourself and what you think you can do is the truth! If you think you can move across the country and then across the Pacific Ocean in back to back years, then you can. It’s that simple.
Our thoughts create our reality.
When I first tossed the idea of moving to Hawaii so many limiting beliefs came up before I could even get excited about the possibility. I had to get clear on why I thought I couldn’t do it and measure it up against the truth. My truth.
The good thing is you can change the thoughts that are limiting you. I started to slow down the thoughts that were not serving me by catching them and laughing at the critic in me.
Then I replaced those unhelpful thoughts with things I would say to a loved one. Know you are worthy of your own love and that means believing in yourself.
- Trust Yourself
I learned how to trust myself.
You will need to quiet your own inner naysayers and lean into the magic of the unknown. Really trust yourself by building faith in yourself. This means responsibility. Start small and build that trust little by little. Imagine if you do one thing to trust yourself (not matter how small) in a year that’s 365 things! That’s huge!
If you say you are going to do something you need to do it. Show yourself you can be trusted and the map you laid out is worth following.
- Your voice is powerful, use it
Your voice gives you direction and allows you to see your uniqueness. Expressing yourself is important in building your self worth and self love.
When you start loving yourself enough to express yourself fully and freely, you will see magic happen.
You are worthy of speaking and being seen.
- Mistakes are going to happen
I had to learn some- at the time- tough lessons, but I am so grateful for them. The universe was preparing me for where I wanted to go. The mistakes you make are meant specifically for you. They are steps along the way to get to where you want to go.
Everything we see in front of us was specifically designed for us. Our life is truly designed for our greatest good and the greatest good of others. Your soul came here to learn and mistakes are part of the path.
Don’t carry your mistakes like burdens, wear them like badges and learn from them.
- True meaning of Aloha
I believe each land holds sacred wisdom. We are part of a big family tree and every time I travel I am reminded of how we are brothers and sisters.
Here Hawaiians have taught me our breath is a sacred connection between us, others, and Source.
The meaning of aloha is “the breath of life.” It comes from “Alo,” meaning face, and “ha,” meaning breath.
I met a surfer in North Shore who showed me how important the word is to Hawaiian culture and people. He said, we say Aloha as “hello” and “goodbye” because it’s all connected. One big circle. He went on to say, “back then people would great each other intimately.” He leaned in until our foreheads met and locking eyes, and said, “breath in, ‘Alo-’ and breathe out ‘-Ha.’” He went on to say how we are all connected as our breath becomes one. “Everything that breathes is one and we need to start treating everyone like it,” he said.
It all leads back to the breath. We all get our life force from the same place.
- Our connection to Mother Earth is so important
My spirit was calling me to Mother Earth. Listen to what your body needs to feel nourished and safe. We are humans who came from Mother Earth and need to ground in her safety and magnificence. We have all that we need from her in the now. There is no sense of urgency.
She provides everything.
There is no shortage in her abundance. We are like her because we come from here. When I started to dream bigger I saw how there is truly no lack in our lives. We always have enough in the now.
Our connection with her reminds us of this.
- Feel your emotions and let them go
I have learned so much about emotions as I have been asked to grow. Emotions are energy in motions. E-Motions.
That means they are moving though you like a wave. Don’t be afraid of them. I have learned how important it is to dance with them.
You don’t have to attach to them.
They come from the mind so that means you created them. You are only facing your own judgments.
Breathe through them and release. Again, come back to your inner truth. Your breath. Your inner stability.